
安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son” 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son” 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

Under Armour Curry Flow 10 “Father to Son”灰黄是一款备受关注的篮球鞋。这款鞋子是为了向球员斯蒂芬·库里的父亲致敬而设计的,展现了家庭情感和篮球精神的完美结合。

这双鞋子的鞋面采用了灰色和黄色的拼接设计,呈现出明亮而动感的外观。灰色的部分采用高质量的合成材料,提供了出色的耐用性和支撑性。黄色的细节部分以鲜艳的色彩点缀,彰显出活力与激情。鞋舌和鞋后跟处的细节以及Under Armour品牌标志都以黄色为配色,与整体设计相得益彰。

Under Armour Curry Flow 10 “Father to Son”灰黄鞋配备了创新的Curry Flow科技,提供了卓越的轻盈和响应性。鞋底采用了抓地力强的橡胶材质,保证了稳定的运动表现。

这款鞋子的设计灵感源自斯蒂芬·库里在篮球事业中的家庭支持和父爱。无论是在球场上还是日常穿搭中,它都能展现出个性和时尚的风格。Under Armour Curry Flow 10 “Father to Son”灰黄鞋以其独特的外观和出色的性能成为球鞋爱好者和篮球迷的追捧之选。无论你是追求篮球表现还是追求时尚潮流,这款鞋子都能为你的穿搭增添一抹亮色。

尺码:39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 46

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101

篮球鞋, 实战篮球鞋, Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son", Under Armour Curry, Under Armour, Curry Flow 10, Curry, 3025623-101 - 安德玛 Under Armour Curry Flow 10“Father to Son" 库里10 耐磨透气 低帮 实战篮球鞋 男款 灰黄 3025623-101
